Sea . Global
BAND: Ka-band
Making a difference in greener shipping: Environmental compliance
Monitoring ships’ energy consumption and emissions is required by law in many parts of the world. With fuel soaking up 46% of running costs on average (source: Drewry), shipping companies have another powerful incentive to make sure their vessels are running smoothly. Rolls-Royce’s Energy Management system collects data from a multitude of ship control systems and equipment sensors. Using Inmarsat’s high speed, always-on broadband service Fleet Xpress (FX), this data will now be logged or reported in real time – meaning any inefficiencies can be flagged and immediately dealt with, often remotely. But Fleet Xpress is more than just a connectivity pipe. Vessels also have access to Inmarsat Gateway, an application ecosystem where accredited innovators create content-rich solutions integrated with our network. Application-triggered bandwidth usage allows ship managers to choose whether to dedicate part of their bandwidth allocation to specific vessel efficiency measures, or for the app itself to trigger bandwidth dynamically by the hour. Together, these technological advances will enable safer, smarter, greener and more efficient vessels.

Air . Global
BAND: Ka-band
Making a difference in airline revenue models: Opportunities in ancillary revenues
We know the appetite for inflight broadband is there – 60% of respondents in the 2017 Inmarsat Inflight Connectivity Survey considered it a necessity, not a luxury – but what is passenger connectivity worth to the global airline industry? In the first research study of its kind, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), in association with Inmarsat, developed an independent forecasting model to predict how broadband-enabled ancillary revenues are set to take off. The result: Airlines are the gatekeepers of a staggering $130bn* of ancillary revenues by 2035, of which the airlines themselves will potentially benefit by $30bn. Reliable, high-quality broadband connectivity is the catalyst for targeted advertising, content and e-commerce revenue opportunities. Once airlines can offer uninterrupted broadband services, each passenger can be worth $4 more per flight – that’s a potential 2,000% rise within the next 17 years.

Air . Europe
BAND: S-band
Making a difference in Europe’s busy skies: European Aviation Network
The European Aviation Network (EAN) solves the problem of how to deliver reliable, high-speed broadband to planes in the increasingly busy skies above Europe. The result of an innovative partnership between Inmarsat and Deutsche Telekom, EAN is an integrated satellite and airto- ground network that has the capacity required for passengers on crowded routes to enjoy high bandwidth applications such as live streaming. Built for Europe by Europe, the network will generate around 2bn for the European aviation industry and create more than 500 highly skilled jobs, which will produce incremental tax revenues of around 440m. As well as being cost-effective to install and maintain, EAN is uniquely flexible and scalable in order to cope with the projected doubling of European air traffic over the next decade. Small, lightweight antennas help create the industry’s most CO2- and cost-efficient connectivity solution.

Air . Global
BAND: L-band
Making a difference in cockpit safety and operations
Over the last 15 years, global air transport passenger levels have soared from 1.6 billion to 3.8 billion. That’s only been possible because satellite communication in the cockpit has enabled airlines to safely put more planes in the sky at any one time and open up more routes. Improved Air Traffic Control (ATC) and operational benefits such as better fleet management and increased efficiency have saved the airline industry an astounding $3 billion over that time. With passenger numbers predicted to double by 2035, Inmarsat is transforming aviation connectivity again. SwiftBroadband-Safety offers high-speed, secure IP connectivity globally to further optimise flight operations and support a host of new safety applications – as well as delivering even more savings for the industry.

Mexico . America
BAND: L-Band & Ka-Band
Inmarsat Making a difference in disaster relief
When natural disasters strike, the frequent loss of terrestrial networks hampers attempts to get help to victims fast. Establishing reliable communications is essential to coordinating relief efforts and keeping emergency responders safe in dangerous, sometimes hostile environments. Team Rubicon unites the skills and experience of military veterans with first responders, rapidly deploying teams to communities across the globe affected by disasters. Inmarsat has transformed the organisation’s ability to channel their resources and maximise their impact by providing a whole raft of satcom services –IsatPhone 2 satellite phones and IsatData Pro to keep in touch with and track teams on the ground; BGAN and Global Xpress to transmit situational reports and video. When the 2017 hurricane season opened with three catastrophic storms in quick succession, and Mexico City suffered a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, Team Rubicon ran up to 15 simultaneous operations – without a single lost connection.

Global . Global
BAND: Ka-Band
Head of State and VVIP aircraft communications
In an era of constant political scrutiny via social media and the 24 hour news cycle, Heads of State and senior government officials can’t afford to be offline when they are in-flight. They need ‘office in the sky’ connectivity for multiple devices, voice and video, secure VPN, as well as IP TV and streaming ser vices, so they can stay informed and respond effectively to fastmoving events. Inmarsat Global Xpress delivers seamless, reliable high-speed broadband wherever they fly. Combined with Eclipse’s Aero+ Flexibility solution, bandwidth can be assigned to different zones in the plane – for example, accompanying journalists can pay to access data or the whole allocation can be directed to the HoS if they are handling a crisis – all without impacting safety services in the cockpit. So today, global leaders are tra velling safe in the knowledge they will never be in the dark.

Global . Global
BAND: L-Band
Making a difference in airborne surveillance
Tactical Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) are widely used for surveillance – by military forces, safety and security organisations, and many enterprises. But LALE (low altitude long endurance) UAV operators have faced frustrating limitations because the satellite technology that could extend sorties beyond line of sight (BLOS) has been too big, heavy and power-draining for the compact airframes. Until now. Inmarsat SB-UAV couples a massively reduced SWaP terminal with SwiftBroadband always-on data up to 200 kbps – with the only limit being the UAV’s range. Compression software makes it possible to send high quality video in real-time, for full and immediate situational awareness. SB-UAV is transforming airborne communications, no more so than at sea where only satellite networks can reach.

Mexico . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Viasat Community Wi-Fi
Viasat connects underserved communities in rural, suburban, and urban locations to high-speed broadband through the Community Wi-Fi program. In this program, a VSAT terminal is located on a store or other location in a community. The terminal is connected to a router and modem, which in turn connect to a Wi-Fi antenna, which creates a local Wi-Fi network extending up to 500m in each direction. This program is within distance of 1.5 million people in Mexico who previously did not have access to connectivity in their home communities, and in many cases were traveling great distances to have access to the Internet. Users visit the store and purchase pin codes for access to the network, typically for 1 hour of unlimited data. Prices are well under a dollar per hour. The program is managed without subsidies or access to Universal Service Funds. Satellite is the primary technology for these communities, because the cost of terrestrial network deployment is too high to reach these communities for a variety of reasons which would negatively impact the terrestrial operators’ business models. Viasat financed the project from its own capital, and the project is commercially viable, meaning it makes positive returns for the company.

Brazil . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Viasat Community Wi-Fi
Viasat has established a partnership with Telebras in Brazil to expand the Community WiFi model with SGDC-1. Beginning in 2020, this partnership will begin connecting thousands of communities across Brazil with the goal of connecting millions of Brazilians who are currently unconnected. Viasat connects underserved communities in rural, suburban, and urban locations to high-speed broadband through the Community Wi-Fi program. In this program, a VSAT terminal is located on a store or other location in a community. The terminal is connected to a router and modem, which in turn connect to a Wi-Fi antenna, which creates a local Wi-Fi network extending up to 500m in each direction. Users visit the store and purchase pin codes for access to the network, typically for 1 hour of unlimited data. Prices are well under a dollar per hour. The program is managed without subsidies or access to Universal Service Funds. Satellite is the primary technology for these communities, because the cost of terrestrial network deployment is too high to reach these communities for a variety of reasons which would negatively impact the terrestrial operators’ business models.

Nigeria . Africa
Inmarsat Raising the standard of Nigerian healthcare
Inmarsat worked with InStrat, Africa’s leading mobile health solutions provider, and the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development and federal and state health ministries to improve healthcare in Nigeria. Poor infrastructure and isolated rural communities mean many people have little or no access to regular medical care and advice. Eighty four health clinics in Kano and Ondo states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) which have no 3G coverage were supplied with BGAN broadband data terminals to: Provide video-based health worker training Improve health systems management and governance using an information system application Improve disease monitoring The project succeeded in improving maternal and child healthcare provision, with health worker skill levels improved and patients more satisfied with the service they received. Demand for and use of medical data by ministries of health to inform policy grew, and disease reporting rates in the project areas rose from 20% to 65%, with the speed and accuracy of data analysis significantly increased. Examples of remote video training in action included the resuscitation of a newborn baby and saving the life of a woman in childbirth. The resources also contributed to education programmes, such as the benefits of breastfeeding. The project was designed to create a model that can be extended into other parts of Nigeria, strengthening the country’s healthcare system – a move that is backed by all the state ministries involved.

Indonesia . Asia
Inmarsat designing and implementing innovative solutions to promote inclusive and sustainable fishing practices
Inmarsat and a consortium of partners, including Satellite Applications Catapult, Hatfield Consultants, Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management and local service provider SISFO, worked with the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) to help reduce illegal fishing and improve safety and livelihood security for the seven-million strong fishing community. Environmentally unsustainable fishing – including illegal and unreported catches – is having huge ecological and financial consequences in the country, impacting on the entire value chain and costing the government around $3 billion a year. The project aimed to incentivise fishermen to adopt satellite-based Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) by building in data services to enhance their safety, productivity and food security, using Inmarsat’s IsatData Pro machine-to- machine (M2M) technology. It was also designed to help inform the MMAF on the shape of future fishery regulation. The VMS+ satellite system, installed on 200 small vessels, had a clear impact on safety. The crew on four boats in distress at sea were rescued after using the SMS text function. Fishers were able to improve their business operations by locating the best fishing grounds, filling up with their catch quicker and reducing the length of trips. Profits rose by 12% and crew retention rates were much better. Results also supported the case for requiring vessels less than 30 GT to have VMS onboard to help combat IUU – as well as to potentially improve access to international markets, although this will require new regulation and assistance for small-scale fishers to acquire equipment.

Philippines . Asia
Reducing the impact of natural disasters by using satellite communications in the Philippines
The Philippines suffers over 20 cyclones annually, as well as frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. While the nation is experienced at responding to sudden natural disasters, resource constraints, infrastructure fragility and geography means that the human and economic cost remains high. Inmarsat and a consortium of partners including Satellite Applications Catapult and Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) worked with the Philippine government to transform disaster response. Prepositioning powerful but easily deployable equipment – Global Xpress (GX) and BGAN broadband data terminals and IsatPhone 2 satellite phones – in five pilot regions meant reliable, secure communications were ready in place in the event of a disaster, to help relief agencies and first responders send and receive information much more effectively, and enable the government to restore communications and increase command and control of recovery operations within 24 hours. Regional staff were trained how to use all the satellite equipment. During the two-year project period, the satellite equipment was deployed in eight typhoons, and in the evacuation of tens of thousands of people during the eruption of Mt Mayon in January 2018. Results showed faster and better co-ordinated responses in the immediate aftermath, as well as improved conditions in the longer term in Mt Mayon evacuation centres with access to a BGAN terminal.

Philippines . Asia
Satellite communications power response to Mayon Volcano
One Saturday in January, an ash eruption from Mount Mayon Volcano, in the Philippines, sent provincial disaster officials scrambling to evacuate residents within the 6-kilometer radius of the permanent danger zone. Within weeks, after Mayon spewed an ash column 5 km high, officials placed the entire province under a heightened alert, warning of an imminent hazardous eruption. School and work were suspended, air travel was canceled, and the ash destroyed an estimated $3 million worth of agricultural crops. For the last several months, DSWD has been working with commercial satellite provider Inmarsat to adopt and institutionalize a satellite communications system known as Global Xpress, or GX. Last year, DSWD officials carried out formal testing exercises in Manila and, following preparations and staff training, it was quickly deployed when Mayon erupted. The Inmarsat technology is now prepositioned in different hazard-prone areas across the country as part of a long-term international partnership program supported by the UK Space Agency.

Dominica . America
BAND: C-Band
TSF uses Global Xpress to bring internet access to Dominica
Inmarsat-sponsored Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) is providing calls and internet access to families in Dominica who have been cut off from outside communication since category five Hurricane Maria hit on 19 September 2017. Inmarsat installed satellite Internet connection at Roseau stadium to support relief teams making possible the distribution coordination, provision of relief supplies and mobilization of logistics to reach remote areas of the country. It provided Wi-Fi zones and ambulant Wi-Fi

Saint-Martin . America
Reconnecting Saint-Martin in the wake of Hurricane Irma
More than one week after Category 5 Hurricane Irma hit the Caribbean, Inmarsat-sponsored Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) continues to work with authorities to provide emergency telecoms on the island of Saint-Martin, one of the most heavily impacted in the region. With terrestrial networks either down or extremely patchy, TSF remains dedicated to providing vital emergency communications across the island, to ensure that the authorities have the necessary tools for an optimal response amongst inhabitants who have lost everything. Two Global Xpress terminals have been set up to provide access to high-speed, reliable internet connectivity for the island’s crisis management teams. The first terminal is positioned in Saint-Martin’s Operation’s Centre, the second in the civil defence and fire brigade headquarters, which oversees emergency operations, evacuation and recovery.

Puerto Rico . America
BAND: Ka-Band & C-Band
Inmarsat Global Xpress supports Hurricane Maria relief efforts
Following the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Inmarsat partners Satcom Direct and COMSAT worked together to ensure highly reliable satellite communications were immediately available for first responders. Inmarsat’s Global Xpress service enabled first responders to communicate within minutes of arrival using our rapid mission-critical high-throughput connectivity, allowing public safety, medical and other emergency response teams to swiftly and reliably fulfill their mission.

Mexico . America
BAND: Ka & Ku Bands
HISPASAT and GlobalSat provides connectivity for SMEs in Mexico
The agreement benefits the Mexican business sector which is able to access satellite-based broadband solutions from Amazonas 5 at very competitive conditions to cover its connectivity needs. High quality satellite-based connectivity business solutions are offered to SMEs from any sector (banking, energy, mining, petroleum, agricultural, among others) that want to meet their current broadband needs and cannot find appropriate technological options on the market. These solutions are also suitable for government services.

Mexico . America
BAND: Ka-Band
DISH and HISPASAT join together to connect Mexico with ON, a new high-quality satellite Internet access service
Both companies bring the Internet to areas with poor or no connectivity, promoting development and helping to bridge the digital divide in Mexico. Thanks to its extensive coverage, high capacity and fast roll-out, satellites are the ideal technological solution to bring high-quality Internet access to places where there are no other telecommunications infrastructures. This solution is possible thanks to the HTS architecture on the Amazonas 5 satellite and the service managed and marketed by DISH.

Colombia . America
BAND: Ku-Band
Hispasat and Bansat bring the Internet to the Colombian region of Montes de María thanks to WiFi via satellite
Both companies have installed terminals in ten towns in this region to offer satellite-based connectivity through purchasing prepaid vouchers. The initiative, which in the next few months will spread to different regions in the country, is a new addition to the activities that HISPASAT has been carrying out in Colombia to bridge the digital divide in the country with the Satellite H70W-1.

Brazil . America
BAND: Ku-Band
HISPASAT distributes remote-teaching contents to more than 700 points on Kroton's educational network in Brazil
Thanks to Amazonas 2, HISPASAT provides live broadcasts of the multimedia contents produced by Kroton to its centres distributed throughout the country. Satellites are the ideal infrastructure to broadcast live high-quality multimedia content, both in large cities as well as small towns in the interior.

Mediterranean Sea . Europe
BAND: Ku-Band
The Open Arms takes to the sea with a new communications system provided by HISPASAT and Syntelix
HISPASAT and Syntelix collaborate in order to provide satellite communications free of charge to the boats of the non-governmental organization Proactiva Open Arms. HISPASAT assigns managed space capacity so that the boats of the NGO, the Open Arms and the Astral, can have satellite Internet access during the rescue work carried out in the Mediterranean Sea in aid of those people who try to reach Europe to escape the war or the misery they suffer in their countries of origin. Satellites: Hispasat 30W-5 & Hispasat 30W-6

Spain . Europe
BAND: Ku Band
The town of Magaña in Soria, Spain, enjoyed a yearlong free Internet access award conceded by Hispasat and Eurona
Magaña enjoyed one year of free broadband connection, as winner of the #enREDatupueblo contest held by the Spanish satellite operator to provide connectivity to an unconnected town in Spain. Located in a digitally isolated area, Magaña was proclaimed as winner of this contest. Thanks to it, the citizens of this town enjoyed a year of satellite Internet connection at 30 Mbps completely free of charge. Satellite: Hispasat 30W- 6

Spain . Europe
BAND: Ku-Band
HISPASAT provides audiovisual and Internet services to AVE train fleet
The solution includes Wi-Fi access and live television, as well as a variety of the latest film releases on demand, among other services. Satellite speeds up the rollout of this solution for the Spanish high-speed rail network and guarantees a future of stable service throughout all routes. With this solution, HISPASAT continues to strengthen its leadership role in satellite communications for high-speed trains. Satellites: Hispasat 30W-5 & Hispasat 30W-6

Spain . Europe
BAND: Ku-Band
HISPASAT and SYNTELIX provides maritime broadband services via satellite
Both companies developed an innovative broadband solution for the nautical sector that is flexible and adaptable to the needs of every user. uSAIL is the brand name used to market Syntelix's maritime services, a revolutionary offer of broadband service for the maritime sector. Based on its own proprietary technological development using a cloud ecosystem, on a VSAT iDirect Evolution platform operated by HISPASAT, and with a flexible user-oriented commercial approach, the offer is perfectly adapted to the seasonal nature and specific demands of the nautical market, offering unlimited, high-quality connectivity on demand with daily granularity. Satellites: Hispasat 30W-5 & Hispasat 30W-6

Marocco . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
HISPASAT and EURONA provide broadband via satellite to North Africa through Moroccan subsidiary NORTIS
HISPASAT, and EURONA, together with their Moroccan subsidiary NORTIS, the leading operator in data, voice and satellite Internet services in Spain and Morocco, provides satellite broadband services in North Africa. This service provides to connect more than 4,000 Moroccan schools via satellite, all of which do not have quality terrestrial coverage due to their rural or remote locations. Projects like this one, developed by NORTIS through HISPASAT’s capacity on the Satellite Hispasat 30W-6, show the importance of satellite infrastructure in facilitating universal Internet access and reducing the digital divide.

Mozambique . Africa
Restoring Communications to Disaster-stricken Mozambique via Satellite
The Cyclone Idai that hit Mozambique in March 2019 resulting in the catastrophic landfall, and Cyclone Kenneth that struck a few weeks after, destroyed much of the country’s communications infrastructure. According to the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), this was the first time in recorded history that two strong tropical cyclones have hit Mozambique in the same season. When hurricanes strike, it is critical for first responders to stay informed and coordinated, as every minute counts to save lives. SES was humbled to be able to lend a hand in restoring connectivity via satellite to support disaster response missions in the storm-hit country. To equip humanitarians with internet connectivity at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in Beira, and in locations like Ibo, we rolled out our fully managed connectivity services which were made available via, a public-private partnership between SES and the Government of Luxembourg. Thanks to this, hundreds of humanitarians have been connected to conduct their life-saving activities.

Papua New Guinea . Oceania
BAND: Ka-Band
SES Networks and PNG DataCo restore connectivity to Earthquake-stricken Papua New Guinea
Mobile networks and broadband internet access for corporate and consumer customers operated by PNG DataCo have been restored by SES Networks following a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck near the town of Bulolo, Papua New Guinea in the early morning hours of 7 May 2019. Connectivity for DataCo customers was disrupted due to damage caused to critical nodes of terrestrial and subsea transmission infrastructures between Port Moresby and Madang following the earthquake. Contingency teams from SES Networks used an additional O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) beam to deliver an extra 1.5 Gbps of low-latency IP Transit service to ease network congestion on DataCo’s damaged primary link. The additional bandwidth was made available within hours of receiving a request from DataCo.

Indonesia . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
Teleglobal Brings Broadband Access and Mobile Connectivity Services to Rural Communities in Indonesia via SES Networks
Communities in remote areas of Indonesia will soon be able to enjoy reliable broadband internet access delivered by Teleglobal enabled by SES Networks’ managed data services and the SES-12 satellite. Under a new agreement, Teleglobal and SES Networks will be partaking in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology’s universal service obligation (USO) project via its USO agency Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi (BAKTI) to provide broadband internet access and mobile backhaul services to 150,000 sites in remote parts of the country. According to data released by Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), 55 percent of the country’s population were connected to the internet in 2017. Internet penetration reached 72 percent of the urban population and 48 percent in rural areas. However, internet penetration rates dropped significantly outside of the most populous island of Java (58 percent), reaching less than 20 percent of the population in Sumatra (19 percent) and standing at only 2.5 percent in the outlying provinces of Maluku-Papua. In view of this, Teleglobal and SES’ project is aimed at complementing the ongoing Palapa Ring project spearheaded by BAKTI, which involves connecting the major islands in Indonesia with 11,000km of undersea fibre-optic cables to provide broadband internet infrastructure.

Benin . Africa
BAND: Ku-band
Benin Accelerating Roll-out of Digital Terrestrial Television with SES
Viewers in the Republic of Benin are now receiving 15 new Free-to-Air (FTA) channels from satellite, thanks to a new agreement the Government of the Republic of Benin has signed with SES. As part of the agreement a number of High Definition (HD) channels will be broadcast over Benin, making it the first HD channels to be available over Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) service across Africa. This marks an important step forward in the digital switchover for the country, which intends to switch off analogue service in 2020.

EU & EFTA . Europe
EU Maritime Safety Agency Awards Managed Connectivity Services Contract to SES
SES Networks’ managed services will boost connectivity for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) services of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) provided to EU Member States and Agencies. These maritime surveillance activities supported by SES Networks are aimed at improving maritime security and safety operations, as well as response to pollution caused by ships, oil and gas installations. The RPAS-driven missions will be carried out in the seas surrounding the European Union or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries. To enable multiple Long Range Long Endurance RPAS operations for maritime surveillance operations of the member states’ authorities, SES Networks will design and provide deployment and maintenance of SATCOM connectivity during the missions. The managed services will include secure end-to-end satellite and terrestrial links, satellite capacity and teleport infrastructure. Under the agreement, SES Networks will support EMSA’s Beyond Radio Line-of-Sight (BRLOS) RPAS operations, as well as satellite internet services to distribute the RPAS data and enable end-users to remotely follow the mission.

Tonga . Oceania
BAND: C-Band
Connectivity in Tonga Restored by SES Networks and Digicel Following Fibre Outage
Mobile networks and broadband access services for business and consumer customers operated by Digicel Tonga were rapidly restored across the Polynesian archipelago by SES Networks' managed services following a severe fibre outage in January 2019. Under the agreement Digicel, a mobile network provider operating in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific, uses SES’s reliable and comprehensive C-band beams to deliver satellite-enabled and scalable IP transit trunk circuits between Tonga and Fiji. SES Networks’ Signature Telecom Solution enabled Digicel Tonga to ensure business critical services were available to customers across the island nation. Connectivity in the Polynesian country was disrupted when the Tonga Cable System, an 827-kilometre-long fibre optic submarine cable that links Sopu in Tonga and Suva in Fiji, was cut in two places on 20 January. The cable cuts occurred in relatively shallow offshore water, and it has been suggested that the damage may have been caused by a ship’s anchor, negatively impacting education, commerce and tourism.

Mali . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Resolute Mining Connects Syama Operations to the Cloud with SES Networks
Resolute Mining Limited is revolutionising its operations in Mali by bringing high-speed, low-latency connectivity to its Syama mining site. The fully-managed SES Networks satellite data connectivity solution enables enterprise cloud applications and helps enhance safety and productivity. Resolute Mining is building the world’s first purpose-built, fully automated sublevel cave gold mine at Syama and is adopting high-speed connectivity that enables the use of high-tech applications and equipment, among other capabilities. SES Networks’ fibre-like service delivered via its O3b Medium Earth Orbit satellite constellation extends the high-capacity fibre-optic network that Resolute Mining is installing throughout the mine.

France . Europe
BAND: X-Band & Ka-Band
Strategic partners GovSat and Telespazio France to provide capabilities for the French Ministry of Defence
With the aim of meeting the needs of the French government, GovSat and Telespazio France pooled their skills, infrastructures and solutions to create a complete catalog of satellite telecommunications services in various military bands. The offer has been selected by the Joint Directorate for Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems (“Direction Interarmées des Réseaux d'Infrastructure et des Systèmes d'Information”, or DIRISI). Under the contract, Telespazio France, supported by GovSat, began supplying satellite capacity to all French military and state entities at the end of 2018.

Colombia . America
BAND: Ka-Band
TV ISLA Delivers High-Performance Broadband on the Island of San Andrés with SES Networks
Local subscribers, businesses, and civil government entities on the Colombian island of San Andrés benefit from an enhanced user experience with a new broadband service that supports data-intensive and cloud applications with the same performance as on the mainland. TV ISLA, the leading provider of paid TV on the island, is using SES Networks’ high-throughput, low-latency satellite network to offer reliable fibre-like broadband internet connectivity across the archipelago. The service is provided using SES’s O3b fleet of MEO satellites, the only non-geostationary constellation to deliver commercial broadband services across the globe. This high-performance service contributes to the digital future of the archipelago by helping to connect the residents and strengthen the digital economy. According to a study carried out by the Colombian Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, internet usage on San Andrés was above the national average in 2017. However, local organisations on the island have noted that the current infrastructure connecting San Andrés with the mainland cannot meet the island’s needs, which has negatively impacted education, commerce and tourism.

Nigeria . Africa
BAND: Ku-Band
Nigeria’s Latest FTA Local Channel Bouquet via SES Unveiled
Local television broadcast audiences will now have access to 13 new free-to-air (FTA) channels delivered as a multi-channel bouquet branded ‘PREMIUM.FREE’. The bouquet’s launch channels will be supplied by AfricaXP and delivered via SES satellites at 28.2 degrees East. SES reaches over 9 million Direct-to-Home households across West Africa from its orbital position of 28.2 degrees East. Those households with existing FTA set-top boxes (STBs) will be able to start watching the new channels on their existing STBs for free. In addition to hosting these TV channels on the ASTRA 2G satellite, SES’ media subsidiary, MX1, is providing the necessary ground services such as uplinking, encoding, playout servers, and ad-insertion.

Burkina Faso . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Modernising government services in Burkina Faso with MEO
Landlocked Burkina Faso, with its vast and often hard-to-reach territories, has decided to embark on an ambitious project to transform people’s lives through key e-applications in critically important sectors and to deploy them countrywide. For this, a reliable ICT Infrastructure is required. At the heart of the end-to-end infrastructure is the O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) constellation. Capable of delivering fibre-like connectivity to any location, it is seamlessly integrated into the partially available terrestrial government infrastructure called RESINA, extending it into remotest provinces across the 270 thousand square kilometres-wide country. As part of the project, and with the support of the Government of Luxembourg under the PARICOM program, SES Networks installed 5 MEO terminals – in Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Gaoua, Tenkodogo and Dori. With an initial contracted speed of 600 Mbit/s, the network is capable of attaining higher speeds to meet country’s future needs. The entire infrastructure is reinforced by the wireless technology and multiple point-to-point links, which is in term operated by Burkina Faso’s National Agency for Promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ANPTIC). The software-based monitoring system developed by SES Networks makes the infrastructure easily operable for the Burkina Faso government.

Senegal . Africa
BAND: Ku-Band
Ses and ESMT Launch Satellite Installer Training Course In Senegal
SES, along with its local partner Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications (ESMT) located in Dakar, delivers the SES ELEVATE satellite installer training course with ESMT. ESMT has been a leading ICT University in Sub Saharan Africa for more than thirty years. This SES ELEVATE satellite installer training course is one of the key areas of collaboration enumerated in the Memorandum of Understanding that has been signed this week between SES and ESMT, to bring advanced satellite installer training skills in Senegal. As part of the launch, SES has sponsored a classroom that will be rebranded, furnished with the necessary equipment, and become the dedicated training venue. SES also created an internet Hub for ESMT and will provide the institution with one year of free internet connectivity via its ASTRA 2G satellite. The unlimited internet connectivity across the institution will ensure students are able to undertake part of their training online and have access to the internet for additional information.

Indonesia . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
Intelsat and Lintasarta to Expand Internet and Mobile Access Across Indonesia
Intelsat and PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta are supporting the deployment and expansion of broadband and wireless communications infrastructure, bringing reliable, consistent, and affordable connectivity to millions of Indonesians. Working under the government’s universal service organization agency, the Intelsat 33e and Horizons 3e satellites deliver Ku-band services enabling Lintasarta to rapidly scale and expand broadband coverage across 6,000 islands more quickly.

Caribbean . America
BAND: Ku-Band
ELEVATE Installer Training Programme
Providing home entertainment in the Caribbean can be challenging. The existing terrestrial infrastructure is limited, expensive to access, and, given that the region is hit by an average of eight hurricanes every year, it’s often knocked offline for days or even months at a time. Direct-to-home (DTH) satellite TV is a resilient, cost-effective alternative since it can be operational within hours after a storm’s passing. But in order to set up a successful DTH business—in any location—you need skilled technicians on the ground who know what they’re doing. SES’s ELEVATE Installer Training Programme provides training that goes well beyond the installation basics, while ensuring seamless operations for SES’s customers and their subscribers. ELEVATE’s training isn’t limited strictly to teaching installation techniques. The second day of training includes a marketing workshop, where students are given templates for business cards and promotional materials, as well as learning how to build a business plan and successfully run their own businesses. At the end of the course, participants receive an ELEVATE certificate. Since the program launched in Africa in 2012, more than 8,000 installers have completed their ELEVATE certification. Many go on to become entrepreneurs running small businesses.

St Maarten . America
BAND: Ku-Band
How Satellite TV is Changing Lives in St. Maarten
In September 2017, Hurricane Irma struck St. Maarten. One of the deadliest natural disaster in the Caribbean island’s history, Irma had a devastating effect, uprooting trees and houses, displacing families and businesses, and causing more than €1.5 billion in damages. As with much of the Caribbean, St. Maarten was left in tatters, with 75% of the island destroyed. For the 41,000 residents living here, the destruction was more than physical—it also cut communications, including internet and TV—essential services in a country that relies on digital media for news and programming beyond its shores. Months after Irma, many areas were still without TV access, with more than 7 million cable and wireline subscribers booted offline throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Today, island residents have a much better choice: Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite TV services from Kiwisat. Launched in 2018, Kiwisat provides premium, high-quality HD programming throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, and Latin America. The company’s goal is to provide premium programming at an affordable price, while avoiding the service interruption problems inherent to hurricane-prone areas. Unlike cable or terrestrial television, Kiwisat gets its signal from a satellite specifically launched to service this area of the world. And because there’s no ground-level infrastructure to rebuild, DTH services can be back up and running within hours after a storm—if it’s even affected at all.

United States . America
BAND: Ku-Band
SES Government Solutions to Support Air Combat Command Training and Testing Operations
SES Government Solutions (SES GS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SES, has teamed with prime contractor Bushtex, Inc. to provide commercial Ku bandwidth to U.S. Air Combat Command (ACC). This satellite communications capability supports training and testing operations in the continental U.S. Bushtex Inc., a woman- and minority-owned small business based in Gilbert, AZ, is a satellite communications provider that currently delivers commercial services for a variety of Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other U.S. Government agencies. To support this contract, Bushtex leveraged SES GS’ extensive experience in providing satellite communication services for the U.S. DoD, and more specifically for the U.S. Air Force, over the past 30 years

Global . Global
BAND: Ku-Band
Navarino and SES Networks to Deliver Global Connectivity to Commercial Vessels
Navarino, the maritime industry's leading communications and technology company offers SES Networks’ global managed mobility service, based in Ku-band, to support its delivery of high quality connectivity to global shipping companies. "Navarino has a wide customer base with a broad range of diverse requirements that demand reliable and consistent high-speed connections for their data services. This makes SES Networks – with its extensive satellite network and one of the most well-regarded contention ratios – an ideal partner for us,” said Konstantinos Katsoulis, Navarino Commercial Director. “In recent years we've seen a step-change in the industry that has been driven by digital transformation, and by collaborating with SES Networks we’re uniquely positioned to enable high performing data connectivity at sea. Through our collaboration we know that our customers will have the capacity, coverage, and performance they need to navigate this and any future changes successfully."

Pakistan . Asia
BAND: C-Band
Wateen Telecom Customers to Enjoy Reliable Cellular Backhaul Connectivity throughout Pakistan with SES Networks
Wateen Telecom customers can rely on Pakistan's leading fibre and satellite network service provider for reliable and enhanced voice and data signals in remote mountainous areas in the north and inaccessible southern regions of the country delivered via SES Networks’ high performance connectivity. SES provides Wateen with access to high-powered C-band capacity on SES’s NSS-12 satellite at the prime orbital location of 57 degrees East. The satellite capacity, coupled with Wateen’s strong system integration capabilities, provides a high-quality cellular backhaul service to Pakistan's leading mobile network operators. Wateen Telecom will support both 2G and 3G backhaul service on this network.

Solomon Islands . Oceania
BAND: Ka-Band
Telekom ramps up connectivity across Solomon Islands with SES Networks
Solomon Telekom Company Limited, trading under the name Our Telekom, partners with SES Networks to enable faster and improved mobile and internet services to communities scattered throughout more than 900 islands within the Solomon Islands archipelago. Under the agreement, Our Telekom, the leading operator in the Solomon Islands and Oceania region, has contracted capacity on SES’ Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) fleet to enhance connectivity between remote provinces and the nation’s capital, Honiara. This comes in response to rapidly increasing data consumption by residents and enterprise customers across the isles, especially in the archipelago’s outermost stretches. The reliability of GEO connectivity complements fibre-like internet speeds that local populations already enjoy through Our Telekom’s existing partnership with SES Networks. Last November, the telco launched its first 4G/LTE network in Solomon Islands powered by the O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) constellation, and has upgraded bandwidth every four months since. With additional GEO capacity, Our Telekom brings improved connectivity services to communities and businesses located on even the farthest ends of the islands.

French Polinesya . Oceania
BAND: C-Band
OPT Enhances Digital Access across French Polynesian Islands with SES Networks
The Office des Postes et Telecommunications of French Polynesia (OPT) is delivering enhanced mobile broadband and Internet services to residents across the vast French Polynesian territory through a new partnership with SES Networks. Under the agreement, OPT accesses the powerful NSS-9 satellite’s wide C-band coverage to reach the sprawling Polynesian archipelago of 118 islands in the South Pacific and beyond. Connectivity on NSS-9 enables OPT and its fully-owned subsidiary, VINI, to grow their network to meet consumers’ and businesses’ fast-growing connectivity needs, and provide new and enhanced user experiences and services. OPT has been using SES satellite capacity to provide connectivity services since 2007.

United States . America
BAND: Ka-Band
U.S. DoD Contracts MEO Services via Blanket Purchase Agreement with SES Government Solutions
SES Government Solutions (SES GS), a wholly owned subsidiary of SES, has signed a single-award Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) low-latency High Throughput Satellite (HTS) services. With this agreement, U.S. DoD customers will have the opportunity to access SES’s industry-leading O3b MEO services worldwide. The BPA scope of work includes managed services (HTS capacity and broadband services, gateway services, and monitoring and control services), satellite terminals, field service representative (FSR) support, training and terrestrial backhaul.

Sub-Saharan Africa . Africa
BAND: Ku-Band
Intelsat and Africa Mobile Networks Connect Rural Communities
Intelsat and Africa Mobile Networks are enabling rapid and cost-efficient expansion of MNOs networks across sub-Saharan Africa with a network-as-a-service solution. Building upon a partnership announced in fall 2018, Intelsat and AM have connected approximately 525 remote cell sites in less than a year by integrating low-cost, solar-powered, turnkey ground hardware with space-based, high-throughput Ku-band connectivity from Intelsat EpicNG satellites. Approximately 1.7 million people living in remote communities across several countries have access to mobile coverage for the first time, and that number continues to grow.

Central Africa . Africa
Intelsat and Stratosat Expand Broadband Coverage in Central Africa
Intelsat and Stratosat Datacom are delivering high-speed broadband services to sites across Central Africa The Stratosat NextGen service — powered by Intelsat’s FlexEnterprise, a secure, managed connectivity service — can be rapidly deployed to connect internet and Virtual Private Network (VPN) connectivity to small, medium, and large businesses in remote areas, including schools, hospitals, financial firms, mining, and agriculture companies.

Myanmar . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
Intelsat Accelerates National Network Infrastructure Deployment
Intelsat 39 will deliver C-and Ku-band services to Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) and support and advance the goal of ensuring that 95% of the population have access to broadband connectivity by 2022. By integrating satellite solutions into its own mobile networks, the MOTC will be able to dramatically increase its overall network bandwidth, speed and reliability as it expands 3G and 4G services into the more remote areas of the country as well as expand internet connectivity to businesses and communities throughout the country. It will support a number of applications, including government services, healthcare and education, critical e-banking services, and distribution of informative and entertaining content to viewers throughout Myanmar.

Puerto Rico (US) . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Connecting Puerto Rico with HughesNet
Hughes provided essential connectivity to the island of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. In times of disaster, when terrestrial communications are wiped out, satellite delivers.

Niger . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
AFT and SES Networks Bring High-speed Connectivity to Businesses in Africa
Atlantique Future Technology (AFT), one of the leading service providers of innovative wireless connectivity and broadband network services in West and Central Africa, is partnering with SES Networks to bring cutting-edge end-to-end connectivity service to enterprise customers and households in Niger and Burkina Faso. Enabled via the high throughput low latency O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite fleet, the connectivity solution will allow local Internet Service Providers and Telcos to deliver high speed Internet and application access to their customers in urban and remote locations.

Burkina Faso . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
AFT and SES Networks Bring High-speed Connectivity to Businesses in Africa
Atlantique Future Technology (AFT), one of the leading service providers of innovative wireless connectivity and broadband network services in West and Central Africa, is partnering with SES Networks to bring cutting-edge end-to-end connectivity service to enterprise customers and households in Niger and Burkina Faso. Enabled via the high throughput low latency O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite fleet, the connectivity solution will allow local Internet Service Providers and Telcos to deliver high speed Internet and application access to their customers in urban and remote locations.

Thailand . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
mu Space, SES Networks and Hughes to Provide Broadband Access to Rural Thailand
Rural communities of Thailand enjoy reliable satellite-based broadband services delivered by mu Space Corp using SES Networks’ satellite capacity and the JUPITER™ System from Hughes Networks Systems (Hughes). mu Space is a Thai space technology startup that aims to provide satellite services that are affordable, easy-to-install and offer widespread coverage. By contracting capacity on SES satellites – SES-8 and SES-12 -- and using the Hughes’ JUPITER System, mu Space improves the quality of life for Thailand’s citizens by providing reliable and affordable satellite-based broadband for telecom providers and businesses in Thailand. According to Thailand’s telecom industry database, only 12% or about 8.3 million of the country’s 69 million population currently has access to broadband. Recognising its importance in social and economic development, the Thai government has launched several initiatives, including a National Broadband Policy and a new economic model Thailand 4.0 with the goals to increase broadband penetration to 95% of the Thai population by 2020 and to transform the country into an innovation-driven economy.

Cuba . America
BAND: Ka-Band
ETECSA Enhances Connectivity to the Rest of the World with SES Networks
Cubans and visitors to Cuba have access to reliable and uninterrupted connectivity throughout the main island of Cuba as ETECSA, Cuba’s national telecommunications operator, signed a deal with SES Networks for satellite services. SES Networks augments ETECSA’s existing terrestrial infrastructure with its high-performance fibre-like medium earth orbit (MEO) capacity and improves connectivity for end-customers of the Cuban operator.

Palau . Oceania
BAND: Ka-Band
Customers of Palau Telecoms to Enjoy ‘Always On’ Connectivity with SES Networks
A long-term customer of SES Networks, Palau Telecoms is utilising their existing MEO service to augment fibre capacity, providing an ‘always on’ service to its customers. This enhanced, robust infrastructure provides a solid foundation for their 4G implementation plans, giving their end users the quality experience they demand regardless of their location. “Since we first initiated service with SES Networks, we have seen a tremendous uptick in demand for fast, reliable internet,” said Sam Masang, President of Palau Telecoms. “Now more than ever people expect to be able to access online services such as ecommerce sites and video calling applications at any time. We’ve been extremely impressed by the O3b fleet capabilities, and look forward to providing services for even more Palau residents in the coming years.”

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Ivanhoe Mines and SES Networks Revolutionise Connectivity for Mining Industry in Congo
The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) benefits from reliable high-performance managed connectivity services delivered by SES Networks. The solution is provided under an agreement with Ivanhoe Mines, a leading mineral exploration and development company, SES announced today. The managed services and fibre-like connectivity from SES Networks are powered by its O3b Medium Earth Orbit satellite fleet. It enables operators on site to do video-conferencing with headquarters, use cloud-based applications to access and upload critical data, and improve overall productivity and safety. The Kamoa-Kakula mining project is the world’s largest undeveloped high-grade copper discovery. Located about 270 kilometres away from the provincial capital of Lubumbashi, the mine exploration covers a near-surface stratiform copper deposit with adjacent exploration areas within the Central African Copperbelt. The project is a joint venture between Ivanhoe Mines, Zijin Mining and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Timor-Leste . Asia
BAND: C-Band
Timor Telecom Enhances International Voice Connections in Timor-Leste through SES Networks
Timor Telecom (TT), the largest telecommunications operator in Timor-Leste, partners with SES Networks to enable international voice traffic between Timor-Leste and the rest of the world. Under the agreement, TT contracts capacity on the high-powered NSS-12 geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellite to establish a point-to-point link connecting Dili, Timor with Sintra, Portugal. Today, residents of Timor-Leste benefit from high speed 4G/LTE mobile data and broadband services provided by TT, which are powered by SES’s O3b medium earth orbit (MEO) satellite network. With its capacity uptake on NSS-12, TT broadens its suite of services with the carriage of international voice traffic between Timor-Leste and the rest of the world. This enables TT to continue empowering local communities with superior services and to meet all the communications needs of Timor-Leste citizens.

Guatemala . America
BAND: Ku-Band
Guatemala’s COMNET Leverages SES Networks’ New Platform to Deliver High-Performance Connectivity
COMNET, one of Guatemala’s leading service providers, was the first to tap into SES Networks Enterprise+ Broadband for Latin America to enable the delivery of Quanttum, a high-performance next-generation broadband service, to its end customers spanning the agro-industry, energy, construction, banking and tourism industries. In the multi-year contract, COMNET will utilise the carrier-class managed services platform on the SES-10 satellite to extend connectivity in a reliable way to under-served geographical areas. The turnkey broadband multi-tenant platform is underpinned by SES’s comprehensive and high-performance fleet coverage over Latin America, an extensive global teleport infrastructure, and iDirect’s ground system capabilities. By using Enterprise+ Broadband, COMNET can customise and flexibly manage connectivity for each customer.

Peru . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Speedcast and SES Networks Partner in Latin America to Provide Fibre-like Connectivity
Speedcast, a leader in providing highly reliable, fully managed, remote communication and IT solutions, and SES provides several hundreds of Mbps of connectivity into Peru. This was the first agreement between the companies in Latin America to provide Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) capacity with high throughput capabilities and low latency. The agreement marked the fourth MEO national partnership between Speedcast and SES Networks. The agreement enables Speedcast to provide network services to mobile network operators (MNOs) and enterprise customers in areas of Peru where high performance internet is in high demand and short supply, enabling a host of latency-sensitive and bandwidth-hungry applications. By utilising SES’s O3b constellation—the only satellite system with the high throughput and low latency required for broadband, 4G/LTE and cloud services — Speedcast delivers internet performance, customer support, and integration with their customers’ networks on par with terrestrial fibre in the region. Speedcast is able to supply this 24/7/365 day support through its network of more than 250 field engineers.

Puerto Rico (US) . America
BAND: Ka-Band
SES Networks Works with Project Loon to Restore Connectivity in Puerto Rico
SES Networks' high throughput and fibre-like satellite connectivity service, the stratospheric balloons operated by X, Alphabet’s self-described “moonshot factory”, and local telecommunications expertise played a key role in restoring 4G/LTE connectivity in disaster-affected Puerto Rico. The connectivity is powered by Project Loon's targeted cell coverage and SES Networks' O3b FastConnect, a rapidly deployable satellite terminal delivering fibre-like performance. Together with local technology partners, SES Networks and X provided reliable high-performance connectivity to Puerto Ricans whose lives have been devastated by the hurricane Maria and who have had limited means of communication.

Timor-Leste . Asia
BAND: Ka-Band
Residents of Timor-Leste’s Capital to Enjoy Complimentary Wi-Fi in Public Spaces via SES Networks
Residents of Timor-Leste’s capital, Dili, enjoy complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity in various public spaces across the capital, including the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport, Timor Plaza mall and Largo de Lecidere square, through a trial service delivered by Timor Telecom (TT), the largest telecommunications operator in the country. By using the connectivity enabled by SES Networks’ fibre-like connectivity, TT aims to ensure that everyone will have the right to broadband access and information. With the provision of enhanced Wi-Fi connectivity in Dili, TT and SES Networks will continue to empower local communities in Timor-Leste with access to faster mobile data and broadband connectivity, meeting the evolving and fast-growing connectivity needs of Timor-Leste residents. Timor Telecom has been using SES Networks Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) services for the past few years for international connectivity. The low-latency and high throughput service has enabled Timor Telecom to launch 3G mobile followed by LTE mobile data service in the country. In addition, the SES Networks’ Customer Enablement team has been providing consulting services to TT on its Wi-Fi rollout.

Malaysia . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
East and West Malaysia Gain Enhanced Mobile Broadband with SES Networks and CompuDyne
CompuDyne, a leading telecommunications solutions provider in Malaysia, is partnering with SES Networks to bring high quality and cost-effective cellular backhaul service to both East and West Malaysia and its surrounding islands. CompuDyne has signed a multi-year, multi-transponder agreement to lease Ku-band capacity on SES-9, SES’s largest satellite dedicated to serve Asia-Pacific, for its customer Digi, the country’s leading mobile network operator. Making a shift from a C-band to Ku-band system, CompuDyne can now deliver more cost-effective and reliable satellite connectivity, enabling Digi to extend its cellular network to underserved consumers residing in rural areas and in the far reaches of Malaysia. At the same time, Digi also plans to use the capacity to introduce mobile broadband services and packages for an increasingly connected population.

Alaska (US) . America
BAND: C-Band
Rural Alaska Benefits from Enhanced WiFi and Broadband Services via Satellite
Alaskan internet service provider (ISP) OptimERA is leveraging SES Networks’ new managed infrastructure service and a full 72MHz transponder to significantly improve broadband connectivity speed 10-fold throughout the remote port city of Unalaska, and neighboring towns and islands across Southwest Alaska. OptimERA has secured capacity aboard SES’s NSS-9 satellite to roll out enhanced city-wide WiFi network and broadband services to meet growing business and consumer demands for faster, more reliable and affordable connectivity in the largely underserved region. SES also provides OptimERA with a broad range of fully-managed infrastructure services, including data centre hosting services, uplink and downlink satellite services, as well as IP network services for internet connectivity, delivered using a primary SES teleport in Brewster, Washington. OptimERA will utilise scalable, tailored SES satellite capacity to extend its high-speed broadband service packages of 10Mbps to new business customers and consumers in nearby towns and villages. OptimERA is delivering 250 Mbps of capacity to the city of Unalaska.

Cook Islands . Oceania
BAND: Ka-Band
Bluesky Cook Islands to Launch 4G+ Service via SES Networks
Bluesky Cook Islands, the sole provider of fixed phone, mobile and broadband services to the Cook Islands, has increased the amount of satellite capacity it is using from SES Networks, in order to launch 4G+ service to Rarotonga and Aitutaki, the two key cities of the island nation. The increased capacity delivered on the low latency, high throughput O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) fleet also allows the extension of 4G/LTE mobile backhaul service to the country’s outer islands, and faster and dedicated broadband service for the Cook Islands Ministry of Education. The Cook Islands was the first market to use SES Networks’ innovative O3b MEO satellite system in 2014 to deliver 3G/ 4G services to the remote nation. The Cook Islands Ministry of Education uses the increased and faster connectivity from Bluesky to enhance educational programs which will directly benefit the learning experience for students of all ages across the country. Bluesky and the Ministry are jointly developing a virtual education network portal, enabling students, teachers and institutions to exchange educational and teacher training material, develop additional curricular content material and promote a new culture of information and communication.

Indonesia . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
SES Networks and Patrakom Enhance Connectivity in Indonesian Waters
SES and Patrakom, a leading provider of telecommunications and network solutions in Indonesia, provides seamless, high-speed connectivity to passenger vessels and oil barges traversing domestic routes in Indonesia. As part of a multi-year agreement, SES Networks and Patrakom provides connectivity for over 80 vessels via SES-9 located at 108.2 degrees East. SES-9 is SES’s largest satellite for Asia-Pacific, and has a powerful mobility beam to provide coverage for vessels sailing across the East Indian Ocean.

Philippines . Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
Ses enhances quality of healthcare in the Philippines through SATMED e-health platform
SES, the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, and non-governmental organisation (NGO) German Doctors provides satellite-based e-health platform SATMED in the Philippines. The SATMED solution was deployed at the German Doctors’ hospital in Buda, Marilog District, Davao City. SATMED allows German Doctors to enhance healthcare provision and deliver accessible e-health services to remote communities on the island of Mindanao. German Doctors is one of the partner NGOs of SATMED during the ongoing pilot phase. SATMED can improve public health in developing countries by enabling multiple medical applications and tools integrated on a single platform over satellite broadband services. The solution was developed by SES Techcom Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SES, and is funded by the Luxembourg Government. The new SATMED solution deployed in Central Mindanao enables German Doctors to provide better quality healthcare services when they visit remote villages. Using SATMED, teams can use portable devices such as tablets to collect the patients’ data. The data collected is then processed, aggregated and synchronised securely on SATMED’s cloud platform. SATMED’s text messaging functionality allows doctors to keep tabs on large groups of patients living in remote villages, whose main form of contact with the outside world is through mobile phones. SATMED enables German Doctors to communicate with doctors and medical experts around the world via video conferencing. Training of local medical professionals via SATMED’s e-learning solutions is another opportunity of the program.

Benin . Africa
BAND: Ku-Band
SESdeploys SATMED e-health platform in Benin to improve treatment of infectious tropical disease
SES deployed a SATMED e-health platform at Centre de Dépistage et de traitement de l’Ulcère de Buruli (CDTUB) in Allada, Benin, to improve awareness and healthcare. The SATMED e-health platform was conceived by SES Techcom Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of SES, and is funded by the Luxembourg Government and the Ministry for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action. The first deployment of SATMED in Benin successfully took place at the remote maternity hospital of Ahozonnoude in June 2014. The satellite-based platform in Allada is used by Fondation Follereau Luxembourg (FFL) to communicate with doctors and medical experts around the world, access online training tools, and establish facilities such as video conferencing, data collection and analysis. The deployment is part of FFL’s efforts to establish a consultation office at CDTUB – which treated more than 700 patients in 2015 – to improve communication between patients and medical staff, raising further awareness of tropical diseases.

Niger . Africa
BAND: Ku-Band
SES deploys SATMED e-health platform to improve quality of healthcare in Niger
SES has deployed SATMED, a satellite-based e-health platform, at the CURE Hospital for Children in Niger, to enhance healthcare in rural and remote regions in Niger. The SATMED e-health platform was conceived by SES Techcom Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of SES, and is funded by the Luxembourg Government and the Ministry for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action. The satellite-based communication solution aims to improve public health in developing countries by enabling multiple medical applications and tools to operate collectively on a single platform. SATMED enables CURE Niger to establish communications with national and international doctors to receive medical counselling. Patients can be remotely diagnosed by experts thousands of miles away, doctors and nurses can improve their knowledge through online courses or life sessions, and lives can be saved through easy access to necessary information available anywhere via the internet. The CURE Hospital for Children in Niger specialises in the surgical treatment of children with disabilities. These children suffer from a variety of different orthopaedic and congenital conditions, such as clubfoot, cleft lip and burn contractures. Since the hospital opened in October 2010, well over 3,000 life-changing surgeries and over 10,000 patient consultations have been performed, both at the hospital and in mobile clinics throughout the country.

Vanuatu . Oceania
BAND: C-Band
SES and Digicel donate emergency satellite services to Vanuatu
Following the devastation left by Cyclone Pam to the South Pacific Islands of Vanuatu, SES and Digicel Pacific Limited donated satellite capacity and equipment to restore vital communication networks across Vanuatu. Digicel utilised capacity on SES’s NSS-9 satellite at 177 degrees West to re-establish communications networks and optimise relief operations and disaster recovery efforts in the cyclone-ravaged archipelago, where terrestrial networks have been damaged and in some cases destroyed. “With widespread devastation across Vanuatu, humanitarian organisations are working to deliver food, water and supplies as quickly as possible. Re-establishing communication networks is hastening this process and helping the people of Vanuatu connect with anxious family and friends across the globe,” said Michael Murphy, Asia-Pacific CEO at Digicel.

Michigan (US) . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Historic Lighthouse Navigates Business Needs with Help from HughesNet
A lighthouse on the remote shore of Lake Michigan chooses HughesNet to provide connectivity for processing the credit card purchases in the gift shop that fund the historic site.

North Carolina (US) . America
BAND: Ka-Band
HughesNet for Business Helps Norm’s Farms Share the Healing Power of Elderberries
HughesNet Business Internet enables the Lenhardt family to reliably manage the Norm’s Farm network of farms, partners, and customers while enjoying the North Carolina country life.

Brazil . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Coffee Producer Depends on HughesNet to Monitor Growing Conditions
Coffee grower Célio Bortolato, from Dois Córregos, São Paulo, turned to HughesNet for essential connectivity that helps him track the weather to manage his coffee crops.

Rwanda . Africa
BAND: L-band
Inmarsat Building smart cities
70% global population will live in urban areas by 2050 41 megacities expected globally by 2030 Cities are the most important economic, geographic and administrative entities in today’s world – and their prevalence will only increase in the coming decades. But many urban areas will struggle to function effectively due to challenges such as ageing infrastructure, air pollution, traffic congestion, and demographic shifts. The cities that thrive will be those that are able to adopt smart solutions – so reliable access to the Internet of Things (IoT) is essential. Inmarsat connectivity is enabling the transformation of Rwanda’s capital Kigali into a knowledge-based, smart city hub. LoRaWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) infrastructure around the city provides a connectivity platform for a variety of IoT applications that can address any number of urban needs, including transport, utilities, health and education. Kigali will provide a blueprint for connected city projects throughout Africa, with satellite communications acting as the essential enabler of the emerging global digital society.

Brazil . America
BAND: L-Band
Transforming Efficiency and Operations: Managing Brazil’s railways
The ability to connect people and things has never been so important. Developing countries are building the infrastructure required to support their economic growth. In Brazil, Valec is building the 2,275km North-South railway line to enable the movement of valuable commodities along the entire length of the country. To successfully deliver this colossal project, Valec needed a better way to control the flow of traffic and operations while the partially in-use line was completed. Inmarsat partner Globalsat has installed BGAN terminals in rail vehicles so the central operations centre can use GPS tracking to pinpoint their location and talk to the drivers on push-to-talk radio handsets anywhere and at any time, thanks to Inmarsat’s highly reliable L-band satellite network. The ability to react quickly will improve safety and efficiency both during construction and once the line is fully operational, helping power Brazil’s economic growth.

Sea . Global
BAND: Ka-band
Transforming Safety and Security: Cyber resilience at sea
In today’s connected world, the threat of cyber crime is very real. The high profile attack on A.P. Moller-Maersk in 2017 is reported to have cost the company between $200m and $300m. Satellite connectivity has driven the growth of computer systems controlling navigation and operations, bringing a new level of sophistication to shipping. Meanwhile, crew are bringing on board more devices and consuming more content. The threat from malicious attacks to a ship’s infrastructure has never been so real. It can have a substantial effect on the safety of crew, security of data and theft of valuable cargo, which is why cyber resilience at sea is essential. Inmarsat’s Fleet Secure, powered by the Trustwave Unified Threat Management system, gives vessel operators the tools they need to protect their fleet from cyber attack, detect vulnerabilities and respond to threats. With Fleet Secure as a Managed Service and seamlessly integrated into Fleet Xpress, there is peace of mind and complete visibility and protection of vessels today and in the future.

Portugal . Europe
BAND: L-Band
Transforming Whole Industries: Sustainable fishing
The fishing industry is critical to the global economy, providing food security, substantial revenues, and employment. But environmentally unsustainable fishing – including illegal and unreported catches – is having an enormous ecological and financial impact. Inmarsat is working with a number of project partners including the United States Agency for International Development’s Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID), producer Thai Union and application provider BitCliq to improve traceability and promote sustainable fishing. We are installing low data rate services Fleet One and IsatData Pro on fishing vessels to improve catch documentation and traceability (CDT). Satellite Transforming Whole Industries broadband communication with innovative technology such as blockchain allows fishing vessels’ owners, captains and crew to monitor stocks, locate fish faster, and reduce operational costs. There’s safety and welfare benefits too – access to real-time weather forecasts and navigational warnings makes for safer voyages, and crew can phone or text home. Findings from these initial projects will be used to continue to support sustainable fishing across the globe.

Thailand . Asia
BAND: L-Band
Transforming Whole Industries: Sustainable fishing
The fishing industry is critical to the global economy, providing food security, substantial revenues, and employment. But environmentally unsustainable fishing – including illegal and unreported catches – is having an enormous ecological and financial impact. Inmarsat is working with a number of project partners including the United States Agency for International Development’s Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID), producer Thai Union and application provider BitCliq to improve traceability and promote sustainable fishing. We are installing low data rate services Fleet One and IsatData Pro on fishing vessels to improve catch documentation and traceability (CDT). Satellite Transforming Whole Industries broadband communication with innovative technology such as blockchain allows fishing vessels’ owners, captains and crew to monitor stocks, locate fish faster, and reduce operational costs. There’s safety and welfare benefits too – access to real-time weather forecasts and navigational warnings makes for safer voyages, and crew can phone or text home. Findings from these initial projects will be used to continue to support sustainable fishing across the globe.

US . America
BAND: L-Band
Transforming Whole Industries: Sustainable fishing
The fishing industry is critical to the global economy, providing food security, substantial revenues, and employment. But environmentally unsustainable fishing – including illegal and unreported catches – is having an enormous ecological and financial impact. Inmarsat is working with a number of project partners including the United States Agency for International Development’s Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID), producer Thai Union and application provider BitCliq to improve traceability and promote sustainable fishing. We are installing low data rate services Fleet One and IsatData Pro on fishing vessels to improve catch documentation and traceability (CDT). Satellite Transforming Whole Industries broadband communication with innovative technology such as blockchain allows fishing vessels’ owners, captains and crew to monitor stocks, locate fish faster, and reduce operational costs. There’s safety and welfare benefits too – access to real-time weather forecasts and navigational warnings makes for safer voyages, and crew can phone or text home. Findings from these initial projects will be used to continue to support sustainable fishing across the globe.

Haiti . North America
BAND: C-Band
TSF on the ground in the wake of Hurricane Matthew
Inmarsat-sponsored aid agency Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) is on the ground helping relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Matthew – the most powerful storm to hit the Caribbean in nearly a decade. An emergency team arrived in the Dominican Republic last night, and local partners in Haiti, who have been trained in disaster response by TSF for the past five years, have been mobilised. A total of 17 IsatPhone Pro satellite phones and seven BGAN terminals are being used to help co-ordinate international rescue efforts. Hurricane Matthew brought winds of 145mph (230km/h), torrential rain and tidal surges to the region. Terrestrial and mobile communications have been knocked out, and the collapse of a bridge cut off the only link between Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, and the south of the country. Damage in the port town of Les Cayes is described as “catastrophic”.

Sub-Saharan Africa . Africa
Intelsat and Africa Mobile Networks Reach Milestone, Continue to Connect Rural Communities in sub-Saharan Africa
Intelsat S.A. (NYSE: I) (“Intelsat”), operator of the world’s first Globalized Network and leader in integrated satellite communications, and Africa Mobile Networks (AMN), an integrator of mobile network infrastructure, today announced that a milestone in bringing mobile connectivity to unserved communities in sub-Saharan Africa has been reached. Building upon a partnership announced in the fall of 2018, in less than a year, approximately 525 remote cell sites have been connected, with the goal of expanding mobile coverage to other parts of the region by the end of 2019.

Russia . Europe-Asia
BAND: Ka-Band & Ku-Band
Enabling Affordable Internet Access across Vast Areas of Russia
Russian service providers AltegroSky Group of Companies and KB Iskra use Hughes systems to power 300 satellite-enabled community Wi-Fi hotspots across Russia. With an average of 250 people having access to each of the Home/SMB hotspots, the providers reach over 300,000 people in the Far East, Siberia, Central, Ural and Caspian/Volga regions, where Internet access was previously unavailable or unaffordable.

Benin . Africa
BAND: L-Band
SOS Children’s Villages - Inmarsat
In September 2014, a telemedicine initiative tested remote healthcare for the benefit of around 1346 children and their families in Benin, West Africa. Charity SOS Children’s Villages Benin worked with clinics in two rural locations in the Abomey and Dassa-Zoumé regions to monitor, diagnose and treat adults and children. The clinics utilized the Safe Triage telemedicine application to gather the patients medical information on smart tablets, and send it in real time via a satellite BGAN Link to a secure server so urban hospital doctors could monitor and evaluate the villagers’ health. Within the first three months, remote doctors identified instances of diabetes, hypoglycemia, hypertension and other conditions in over 850 men, women and children and referred these patients for treatment. The technology enabled 258 consultations for people within the community that were not benefitting previously from SOS programmes. More than 70 individuals were identified with serious conditions that required immediate treatment - attention that they would not previously have received for weeks or months, if at all. Following the successful pilot, the project is still in operation today.

Democratic Republic of Congo . Africa
Rascomstar Giving Voice to Heartland Communities
In 2012, two rural villages in DRC, Panu and Kalo, both approximately 800 kilometers from Kinshasa, were selected as pilot sites for connectivity. Connecting the villages meant overcoming considerable logistical challenges. Four-wheel drive vehicles rode for three days over rugged terrain and jungle paths, sometimes crossing rivers, to transport equipment and technical personnel to the sites. The team carried with them the ‘Skylinx’ systems cabinets, antennas, ground infrastructure, 30m towers, solar panels, fencing for security, tools, building materials and basic provisions. On the day the installations went live, the excitement in the community could be felt with spontaneous celebrations breaking out, communal dancing, singing and hand clapping. Locals queuedly with their children to make their first ever phone call, and it gave new meaning to the term ‘community empowerment’. The two pilot sites exceeded expectations in terms of traffic minutes and vividly proved the proposition that there are sustainable markets in rural areas previously ‘off the grid’ if the right solution is applied.

Russia . Europe-Asia
BAND: Ka-Band
Delivering high-speed satellite internet access across Russia via Eutelsat
Tricolor TV, Russia’s leading satellite television operator is using the Ka-band capacity of the EUTELSAT 36C satellite to offer genuine two-way internet connectivity to customers across Russia. In Russia, as in many countries, the digital divide is caused by the limitations of terrestrial networks. This can be overcome by the comprehensive coverage and universal quality of service guaranteed by satellite. Eutelsat has been instrumental in the launch and development of satellite broadband. Launched in 2016, the higher frequencies of the Ka-band spot beams enable Tricolor TV to offer the broadband service in areas of around 300 km, with individual download speeds up to 40Mbps and upload speeds of 5Mbps.

Russia . Europe-Asia
BAND: Ku-Band
Distributing TV services to all homes in vast territories via Eutelsat
When Tricolor TV set up in 2005, it had a huge business challenge: how to reach households across the vast territory of Western Russia with an innovative and inexpensive TV offering, in a country where many households were still receiving analogue TV and DTT was slow to take off. The natural choice for Tricolor TV was to use the power of satellite to provide an affordable service to this exciting marketplace. For such large territories, terrestrial networks’ performance decreases in peripheral, scarcely populated areas. However satellite guarantees the same quality of broadcasting everywhere within the coverage zone. Tricolor TV turned to Eutelsat to help it launch and build services. We gave them the strategically vital orbital position of 36° East to serve the country’s most densely populated region, before leasing further capacity on RSCC satellites at 56° East and 140° East to extend the company’s service right across the Russian Federation to the Pacific coast.

Caribbean . America
BAND: Ku-Band
Eutelsat provides internet access for people beyond terrestrial networks in the Caribbean
Satellite solutions are essential to provide internet networks in areas with low population densities as it is too expensive for traditional operators to invest in the necessary infrastructure. Satellite internet provider, Caribsat, is using Eutelsat’s IP Easy platform to provide direct internet connectivity to businesses and schools across the Caribbean. Satellite solutions are vital in areas beyond terrestrial networks to support education and promote economic activity.

Mauritania . Africa
BAND: C-Band
Bringing mobile connectivity to remote communities across Mauritania via Eutelsat
With a population of 4 million and a surface area twice the size of France, Mauritania has no economically feasible terrestrial solutions to provide mobile and internet services to all its citizens. Mobile operator, Mattel, chose satellite technology to connect people, in towns and villages across the country, providing an integrated solution that meets their customers’ expectations. This robust solution is increasing network reliability, even in bad weather, and improving internet access and service quality particularly for populations in areas isolated from the terrestrial infrastructure.

Caribbean . America
BAND: Ku-band
Eutelsat supports TSF’s emergency networks to coordinate disaster relief
Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) is the world’s leading international NGO specialising in technology and telecommunications for humanitarian crises of all kinds. After two devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean in 2017, TSF established emergency telecoms networks to coordinate disaster relief across the area. When Hurricane Irma hit the islands of Saint Martin and Saint Barthélemy in 2017, there was widespread destruction of property and infrastructure. In Saint Martin, TSF's principal objective was to get the airport functioning and enable the coordination of relief operations across the island. In Saint Barthélemy, they had to create an emergency satellite-based Wi-Fi network to allow people to reconnect with loved ones and enable general emergency relief operations. To make matters worse, a second Category 5 hurricane hit the same area just over a week later and TSF had to create another emergency Wi-Fi network, this time on Dominica where 90% of the country’s infrastructure was destroyed in less than 24 hours. TSF worked closely with its partners, including Eutelsat, to provide relief to the area and quickly set up communications links via satellite. Eutelsat provided Fixed Satellite Services with VSAT terminals for two-way communications in all the islands. The mobile, compact equipment required very little technical training, so was easy to use by TSF operators, as it is almost plug-and-play once prepared for deployment.

Fiji . Oceania
BAND: C-Band
Ensuring all citizens have access to digital TV across the widely spaced islands of Fiji, via Eutelsat
Walesi, the Fijian government’s digital television infrastructure company, has connected all the country’s widely spread islands using the EUTELSAT 172B high-capacity satellite, ensuring all citizens have access to digital TV. Fiji is an archipelago of 333 islands and 884,887 inhabitants. Viti Levu and Vana Levu contain most of the population, while the other islands are less densely populated, with a varying quality of telecommunications infrastructure. The wide geographic spread of the archipelago and the rugged interiors of the larger islands make it very difficult to deliver digital television coverage terrestrially to the entire population. About 200 rural and maritime communities do not have any access to television through terrestrial means. Walesi, chose Eutelsat to supplement the terrestrial network already in place to deliver free-to-air services via satellite nationwide, using C-band capacity on the EUTELSAT 172B satellite. With its lower frequencies, C-band is more resistant to all weather conditions, which makes it a favourite in tropical countries. EUTELSAT 172B’s C-band coverage over Fiji is one of the strongest in the region, with a downlink power of 41dBW – yielding a higher throughput to ensure Walesi has significant cost savings.

Senegal . Africa
BAND: Ku-Band
Eutelsat provides satellite capacity to interconnect 200 post offices nationwide in Senegal
When La Poste Sénégal, the country's public postal service company needed to interconnect remote offices across the country, they wanted a solution that would enable them to provide a high-quality, secure service. La Poste Sénégal chose high-power Ku-band capacity on the EUTELSAT 7 West A satellite to interconnect 200 post offices nationwide.

Canada . America
BAND: Ka-Band
Telesat’s Telstar 19 VANTAGE HTS – Affordable High-Speed Internet for Canada’s North
Bringing high speed Internet access to residents in Canada’s Far North comes with a distinct set of challenges. Nunavut is the largest territory in Canada with over 2 million square kilometers, about twice the size of France and Germany combined. And yet Nunavut has a population of only 38,000 across its 25 communities. Telesat designed the Ka-band spot beams on Telstar 19V to deliver cost effective, high speed Internet and LTE coverage over the vast expanse of Nunavut. The satellite was launched in July 2018 and a leading Mobile Network Operator/ISP is now using its Ka-band spot beams to bring Internet speeds and LTE coverage to Nunavut residents that are on par with Canada’s other northern communities. The Telstar 19 satellite is bringing 10 times more capacity to the territory than what was previously available, enabling the launch of LTE services in all communities and tripling household internet speeds. The Nunavut government is taking advantage of this improved connectivity to modernise healthcare and education. Health centers in the region have limited staffing and can now rely on the Internet for remote diagnostics and consults with hospitals in the south. Nunavut schools are also expected to see a major impact as distance education becomes faster and more reliable.

Kenya . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Project iMlango Avanti - Improving Education in Kenya
IMPROVING EDUCATION IN KENYA. Over one million children in Kenya do not regularly attend school. A solution was required that could measurably improve education and life outcomes for a target of 150,000 pupils. Since being able to use satellite internet, the schools are now working with Tyndall University in Dublin to promote the Young Scientists competition. The students use Skype to do joint experiments with the university. This also enables the students to communicate with other schools involved in the scheme. •• Department for International Development (DFID) •• sQuid •• Whizz Education •• Camara Education THE RESULTS THE SOLUTION PARTNERS Led by Avanti Communications and its partners, Project iMlango is a first of its kind e-learning partnership, created to deliver improved educational outcomes in maths, literacy and life skills for marginalised children. The project provides high-speed internet connectivity to rural and remote schools. It offers: •• Tailored online educational content •• Electronic attendance monitoring •• Support resources •• Real-time project monitoring Deployed via Avanti’s HYLAS 2 Ka-band satellite, broadband connectivity powers the programme to ensure e-learning is successfully implemented in 205 remote and rural schools across Kenya.

South Africa . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Saving the Rhino
At the current rate of poaching, it is estimated wild rhinos could be extinct by 2025. There are just 20,940 black and white rhinos left in the world and only 5,000 critically endangered black rhino. In South Africa, in 2014 alone, an alarming 1,215 rhinos were poached, a 265% increase from 2010. After completing research and trialling our expertise with drone technology, we partnered with the Rhino Protection Programme to directly target poachers and enable the delivery of realtime information through our HYLAS 2 Ka-band satellite. Peace Parks Foundation currently coordinates two UAV test programmes; one in Kruger National Park, a notorious hub for rhino poaching and the other in protected areas under the management of the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife. Avanti’s satellite connectivity has been crucial in allowing the UAV teams to access advanced real-time weather and terrain information, resulting in effective flight management and aviation safety. With 100% coverage of South Africa, our satellite is a vital contributor to the effective application of the UAV technology and the active prevention of rhino poaching. The presence of UAVs alone is a deterrent for poachers and others who engage in wildlife criminal activities. This venture is proving that by using the components of technology and human capacity, aerial monitoring projects have a significant impact on the disruption of illegal activities and reduction in poaching. Game reserves across the county have specially trained rangers to prevent the act of poaching; however, the South African bush is a difficult terrain to manage, spanning vast territories, with harsh conditions. Due to the remote locations, the rangers are unable to cover all the land and with limited network infrastructure, coordination between teams can become restricted. The Rhino Protection Programme, established by Peace Parks Foundation, has introduced Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to help anti-poaching. Avanti Communications provides the Foundation’s UAV Service Provider, UAV & Drone Solutions, with high speed satellite broadband connectivity. The operation comprises a mobile UAV command unit, from which rangers launch and monitor the UAVs using real-time information.

South Africa . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Connecting South Africa's Libraries
Many rural libraries across South Africa are used as community centres. However, due to the remote locations, the libraries experience limited network infrastructure which means employees and the local community are unable to access the internet. Avanti’s flexible broadband packages enabled the NLSA full control of the implementation; they were able to record live terminals and new installs, monitor performance and data usage, as well as being able to create their own bandwidth plans. Over 6 months, a total of 222 libraries were installed with an Avanti VSAT service, providing over 2,032 connections to workstations. Access to the internet has empowered the local communities; they can now unlock a wealth of information, knowledge and resources that can make a big impact on their daily lives. The libraries have seen a range of people using the connectivity, such as local citizens, students, SMEs and even government services. The programme is an exciting milestone in education and social services sectors in South Africa. The National Library of South Africa (NLSA), the leading national library and information centre in Africa, ensures citizens have universal access to information for its population. During implementation of the NLSA’s open source Library Information Management System (LIMS), the scale of South Africa’s connectivity challenges became apparent. Without broadband access, the libraries could not make use of the new system, nor could they access central archives. The national roll-out of the project provided the libraries with a small, cost-effective 74cm VSAT dish and a satellite broadband connection that delivered a 15Mbps download and 2Mbps upload capability provided by Avanti Communications.

Tanzania . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
iKnowledge project - Avanti
The iKnowledge project, led by Avanti Communications, has deployed high speed broadband connectivity to 250 schools across Tanzania. The project provides digital skills training for teachers and educational resources that can be used in the classroom for students. “iKnowledge helps us communicate with teachers in the UK and learn new ideas about making our school better, like PiXL and Young Scientist” Renatus Kirway, English teacher in a school in Rubale Secondary School, Kagera Since being able to connect to the internet, the schools are now working with Tyndall University in Dublin to promote the Young Scientists Tanzania competition. The students use Skype to do joint experiments with the university and are able to communicate with other schools involved in the scheme. Furthermore, an all-girls hostel has now been built close to the school. The hostel allows the girls to live in the dormitory, dramatically reducing the amount of time they spend travelling to and from school. This enables the girls to study in the evening, giving them more time to complete homework and with access to the internet they can now make use of the online educational resources. Today, the girls and their teachers can access the internet via Avanti’s HYLAS 2 Ka-band satellite, which provides 100% coverage over Tanzania. The broadband is installed and supported locally through Internet Service Provider, Raha; whilst the ICT hardware, digital training and educational software are delivered in partnership with Avanti Communications and Camara Education Tanzania. The programme is funded under the UK Space Agency’s International Partnership Programme (IPP).

Brazil . Americas
BAND: L-Band
improve the performance of electric grid in Minas Gerais
In the state of Minas Gerais, Cemig Distribution is responsible for a concession of approximately 96% of the area, with 8.5 million consumers in 774 municipalities, an area of more than 500,000 km2. The lack of connectivity in remote areas hampered communication with Cemig’s Centre of Operations, meaning it wasn’t possible to send remote commands to the automated reclosers in the field. OnixSat and Inmarsat developed a solution based on satellite connectivity to enable Cemig to increase availability and improve its remote controlling of reclosers. With the BGAN terminal to install, and without a complex terrestrial infrastructure to deploy, the solution is easy to configure. Cemig’s technicians do not need to have an advanced knowledge of communication via satellite to implement the solution, because it is very easy to establish a connection with the Inmarsat satellite network.

Sub-Saharan Africa . Africa
BAND: Ka-Band
Rural Connectivity Deployment across Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa has vast areas that are often very prohibitively challenging to connect using traditional terrestrial infrastructure, leaving millions of people unconnected and left behind. A unique satellite solution for rural connectivity specifically designed for connecting ultra-rural villages for the first time. The off-grid service enables the provision of cellular services to areas that are otherwise impossible to reach using traditional terrestrial infrastructure. There is a training provided to regionally based field teams to ensure the sites are easily maintained for long-term service delivery. These sites are very hard to reach. The average travel time to reach these remote sites is 2.5 days from state capitals. The success of this project relies on getting the support of local teams to install and maintain the sites. 500 Rural sites in 21 Nigerian states Providing 2G & 3G Connectivity to 1.5 million People. Day-to-day life improvements for 1.5 million people • Saves time and money as they no longer need to travel to neighbouring towns to get access to make calls or use the internet. • Brings a sense of security: reliable mobile coverage means they can be connected to family. • Boosts the local economy with the creation of small businesses such as resellers of sim cards, phone charging & repairs. Many of these businesses are headed up by women. Beyond the direct contributions it makes to rural communities, the programme has a wider impact. It has enabled the creation of over 200 new skilled jobs of field engineers and has led to further investment in satellite gateways and service delivery in the country, which has also been recognised by the Nigerian telecoms industry through its annual awards.

Greenland . Artic
BAND: C-Ka-Ku Bands
Connecting Remote Communities in the Arctic
On the Eastern coast of Greenland, communities in Tasiilaq and Ittoqqortoormiit are deeply rooted in the nation’s rich culture and tradition but live in isolation from the rest of the country. People living in remote or hard-to-reach communities rely on stable, high-speed connectivity to stay in touch with loved ones, run their businesses, access telehealth platforms, attend school online, and more. Ensuring citizens in isolated regions remain connected to these services requires governments and telecommunications providers to meet universal service obligations by bringing dedicated fibre-like Internet to these areas. Greenland’s sole telecommunications provider serves nearly 60,000 people, many of whom can only leave their hometowns by sea or air. Although undersea fibre optic cables based in Europe reach some of the country’s largest cities, Greenland’s most remote communities relied on a series of relay radio towers to access lower generation wireless connectivity. This service was slow, easily interrupted by harsh year-round Artic conditions, and billed based on monthly usage, rather than a flat rate-leaving customers highly dissatisfied. Satellite, with its unmatched reach and reliability, is essential to overcoming this challenge. The telecom provider initially installed ground stations equipped to receive high-speed backhaul connectivity via satellites in Tasiilaq and Ittoqqortoormiit - which are home to more than 2,000 Eastern Greenlanders. Yet, to fully respond to the connectivity demands of these communities, there was a need to work with a telco solutions provider capable of enabling 4G and LTE networks in remote settlements. With high-throughput capabilities, they now can receive fibre-like Internet. Using a high-throughput geostationary Earth orbit (GEO), connected to ground earth stations in Tasiilaq and Ittoqqortoormiit to a partner teleport in Europe, robust last mile connectivity is provided to residents over 4G and Wi-Fi. The medium Earth orbit (MEO) will soon also enable to create a full-duplex link that delivers, a minimum of 100Mbps. But capacity can seamlessly be scaled all the way up to the multi-gigabits as users’ needs change. The Result: By switching to a satellite-enabled network, now Eastern Greenland citizens benefit from fast and reliable connectivity at a flat rate-for the first time. Prices have dropped in some cases from 9,000Kr to 900Kr.

Mexico . Americas
BAND: Ka-Band
Supporting development in remote communities
The current Mexican government recognises that lack of equitable internet access makes it difficult to realise equal access to work, basic education, and public services. It has charged the federal agency, CFE Telecomunicaciones e Internet para Todos (CFE TEIT) with addressing the issue under the “Internet para todos” (Internet for everyone) initiative, making it easier for Mexican citizens to connect. As part of this program, CFE TEIT chose SES to deploy more than 1,100 broadband hotspots across Mexico, connected to the internet via SES-17. CFE TEIT knew that it could count on SES to quickly install the needed equipment on budget, while meeting both the needs for internet and the requirements for future backhaul installations. CFE TEIT and its partners installed a total of 55,360 points in 2022, providing free internet to its population with the goal of having 140,000 free Wi-Fi hotspots operating throughout the country by 2023. The Wi-Fi hotspots are installed in strategic locations to ensure the entire population has reliable internet access, including remote areas and previously under-served communities

Antarctica . Antarctica
BAND: C-Band
Enabling Live Stream from Antarctica
Antarctica is the only continent unreachable by fibre. Temperatures that plunge below -58°C and shifting icy surfaces pose the biggest challenges to any fibre grid connection. For environmental activist and 2041 Foundation founder Robert Swan, inspiring digitally distracted audiences to act on climate change from one of the most remote locations in the world required unprecedented connectivity. 2041 Foundation has a bold mission: to prevent future exploitation of Antarctica’s natural resources by oil rigs and mining, which could legally be set up once longstanding protections fall away in 2041. In March 2022, Swan, 18 expedition leaders, and 80 crew led a marine voyage to Antarctica to raise awareness. Joining them aboard the Ocean Victory were 150 brave participants from all walks of life. While the foundation had run expeditions before, it had never used a dedicated connectivity service for streaming real-time sessions with the outside world.

Germany . Europe
BAND: Ku-Band
Expanding Europe’s Green Energy Sector
A European connectivity provider pushing to make Germany reliant on renewable energy. Serving connectivity via satellite to energy companies across 30 countries providing solutions in markets ranging from energy and plant engineering to logistics and security. Countries like Germany are heavily invested in wind and solar power as part of their mandate to make renewable energy the main power source by 2050. Yet, for green energy to be truly sustainable, it needs unwavering connectivity which satellite can best guarantee. The need goes beyond just connectivity for controlling wind turbines and solar panels, including for the engineering marvel - wind turbines almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower with rotor blades as long as football fields that are vaulting up across Europe’s shores. They require highly secure data transmission, increased bandwidth to power ongoing data transfer between company headquarters and energy assets, and data monitoring capabilities to oversee plant operations. They also need reliable back-up connectivity to remote energy facilities if fibre goes out. Satellite provides the connectivity back-up and resilience for these critical operations.

Timor-Leste . APAC
BAND: Ka Band
Deliver Enhanced Connectivity Services in Timor-Leste
Partners since 2015, Telemor has been leveraging O3b’s unique combination of reliable high throughput and low latency to deliver high-quality mobile data services to its subscribers in the country. With mobile phone subscriptions in Timor-Leste reported at 106.5 per 100 people in 2023, Telemor will continue matching users’ increasing needs for more bandwidth and level up the connectivity experience to serve up to 1.4 million consumers as well as businesses. Subscribers will be able to seamlessly experience video applications and voice communications whether from ultra-connected urban areas or remote villages. In particular, the service uptake will enable uninterrupted access to data-hungry online services delivered through various Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to serve large volumes of daily online requests from subscribers.

The Philippines . APAC
BAND: Ku Band
Internet Connectivity to 43 Commission of Elections sites across Mindanao
Delivering reliable and secure connectivity to COMELEC offices in Mindanao, the second-largest island in the Philippines. WIT is the largest VSAT satellite network service provider in the Philippines, with two decades of experience and expertise in delivering satellite-enabled connectivity to government entities, businesses and individuals in the country. WIT will use SES-9 to meet the growing connectivity requirements for mission-critical government operations and digital services in remote regions of the country.

Taiwan . APAC
BAND: Ka Band
Delivering MEO connectivity services across Taiwan
Connectivity services provided via SES's O3b and O3b mPOWER constellation operating in medium earth orbit (MEO) are now available commercially for the first time in Taiwan to Aerkomm Taiwan's government customers, announced both companies. Aerkomm Taiwan Inc., a subsidiary of Aerkomm Inc. USA, was recently awarded a commercial satellite communications frequency license by the Taiwan Ministry of Digital Affairs, authorising Aerkomm to offer connectivity services via non-geostationary satellites. Aerkomm will be able to offer high-throughput, ultra-flexible and carrier-grade connectivity services delivered via O3b mPOWER, SES’s second-generation MEO communications system, from even the most remote regions across Taiwan.

Ukraine . Europe
BAND: Ka-Band
Connecting Ukrainian refugees
Viasat and the Košice Region of Slovakia partnered to bring free high-speed internet to Ukrainian refugees taking shelter there. Displaced Ukrainians can access Viasat’s satellite-enabled internet, which has been installed at sites across the area where refugees have the greatest need for connectivity.

Brazil . Americas
BAND: Ka-Band
Act fast to connect first responders in Brazil dam collapse
When a mining dam collapsed in southern Brazil Jan. 25, it triggered a catastrophic mudslide. At least 121 people in and near the town of Brumadinho died, and hundreds more are still missing. The mudslide also knocked out terrestrial internet in the area. Rescuers at the site of the tragedy needed communications support as soon as possible. Telebras and Viasat are partnering in Brazil to bring satellite internet to unconnected areas of the country, using a Brazilian satellite with Viasat’s ground network and infrastructure. Since the satellite covers all of Brazil, Telebras and Viasat could bring internet service to the devastated area.

Chile . Americas
BAND: Ka Band
Communications and remote control capabilities for fish farm oxygenation
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food industries in the world, due to a steady increase in the demand for fish and the continuing depletion of wild fish stocks. Salmon farmers are constantly looking for innovative ways to accelerate the growth of their stocks until they are ready for harvest, and a crucial means of doing so is ensuring that the sea cages, large nets attached to floating platforms anchored off-shore, have the optimal level of oxygen. In order to provide oxygen to salmon producers’ fattening units, OXZO developed specialist technology to monitor the level of oxygen in the water and distribute additional oxygen if required. However, as these platforms often miles out at sea, it is critical that the oxygenation equipment can be operated and controlled remotely, making constant connectivity essential. To address this connectivity challenge OXZO equipped platforms with VSAT satellite technology. However, the constant movement of the platforms due to swells in the ocean, which was ‘pitching’ the platforms, resulted in the VSAT antennas losing their connectivity, limiting OXZO’s ability to control the levels of oxygen in the sea cages. Each time this happened, OXZO had to send technicians out to these platforms to realign the VSAT antennas – incurring significant costs in the process.

Hawaii . Americas
BAND: Ka Band
Internet service to shelter for volcano evacuees
The people evacuated in the wake of the Kilauea volcano eruption are not just a news story to Viasat Internet dealer Rico Ferrari. They’re his neighbors, his customers and his friends. Ferrari, who owns Big Island Satellite with his wife, Ka’ili Pe’a-Ferrari, lives just 7 miles from the active lava flow. The community center where he coaches indoor soccer is now an emergency shelter. On May 4, a day after an earthquake triggered a new volcanic eruption, Ferrari installed temporary satellite internet service at the Pahoa Regional Community Center. One of two shelters in the area, it’s an interim home for about 300 people displaced by the volcano. The gymnasium and playing fields where Ferrari’s teams play have been converted into makeshift neighborhoods, with tents serving as houses.

Alaska . Americas
BAND: C Band
Bringing C Unalaska Island (C-Band)
Unalaska Island in Alaska is only accessible by plane or ferry. Located in the Aleutian Islands, Unalaska has the largest full-time resident population in Southwest Alaska as well as many seasonal and part-time residents due to the fishing industry. It therefore hosts one of the world’s leading commercial fishing hubs and is home to almost 5,000 people. Alaskan internet service provider (ISP) is using satellite networks capacity to significantly improve broadband connectivity speed 10-fold throughout the remote port city of Unalaska, and neighbouring towns and islands across Southwest Alaska. Objective was to roll out enhanced city-wide WiFi network and broadband services to meet growing business and consumer demands for faster, more reliable and affordable connectivity in the largely underserved region. High-speed broadband service to 5000 people and the possibility to extend it to new business customers and consumers in nearby towns and villages

Russia . Eurasia
BAND: Ku Band
Providing Internet Connections to Remote Communities in Siberia
In Russia, about a fourth of the population lives in isolated cities and villages in the vast region east of the Ural Mountains known as Siberia. More than 20 million Russians in this region live in thousands of small villages of fewer than 250 households each. Even if a network operator could provide dedicated VSAT service to these villages, the per capita income is too low for most users to afford monthly Internet service on a household basis. Two Internet service provider, partnered with a satellite operatorto deploy over 1,300 community Wi-Fi hotspots in small towns and villages. Each Wi-Fi hotspot can connect fixed users (for example, in homes) or personal devices (handset, tablets, PCs). Users can buy the Wi-Fi Internet service in various data plans to suit their needs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly). By marrying a VSAT with a Wi-Fi hotspot, the service providers are able to quickly and inexpensively provide high-speed Internet to the community. Satellite-enabled Community Wi-Fi Solutions deliver Internet access at more than 50,000 Wi-Fi hotspots serving millions of users around the world. Connected by satellite, the Wi-Fi hotspots make Internet service available in schools, libraries, community centers, village shops and subscribers’ homes, where landline Internet access is not available or too expensive. The Fixed Community Wi-Fi service is geared toward Internet service providers serving geographic areas where many potential customers live in isolated communities far from terrestrial network access points. Connected by satellite, the Wi-Fi hotspots make Internet service available in schools, libraries, community centers, village shops and subscribers’ homes, where landline Internet access is not available or too expensive. Satellite-enabled Community Wi-Fi Solutions deliver Internet access at more than 50,000 Wi-Fi hotspots serving millions of users around the world.

Peru . Americas
BAND: L Band
Mantaro Hydroelectric
The Mantaro Hydroelectric Complex is made up of two hydroelectric power plants, operated by a state-owned utilities company. The complex is Peru’s main generation centre, supplying over 18% of the demand for the National Interconnected System (SEIN) and 15% of the country’s power. Located in the region of Huancavelica, operations at the complex began in 1973. In order to meet public demand, maintain efficiency and provide high-quality services in dense urban or remote rural areas across Peru, it is essential that operations at the Mantaro Hydroelectric Complex run smoothly. However, due to its position in the remote region of Huancavelica, terrestrial communication is either unreliable or nonexistent. This makes it difficult to access the real-time data and communications that support efficient monitoring, automation and management of assets at remote reservoirs, and impacts the ability to reduce equipment failure and downtime in an extreme weather event. The hydroelectric company set about finding the right partners who could provide a reliable alternative to their existing connectivity methods. The BGAN machine-to-machine (M2M) satellite service, it enables remote monitoring and works seamlessly with many M2M solutions and enables 20 remote Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) to communicate data directly back to a server in the control centre, for the team to monitor and take action remotely and instantly. The collaboration is expected to produce impressive results for the hydroelectric company. The solution offers secure access to remote locations, bringing the ability to identify and detect service issues in real time and implement the best resolution remotely. Ultimately, this will improve operational efficiency and service delivery, ensuring that public demand is met and highquality services are guaranteed across Peru and significantly decreasing operational costs by reducing the need to deploy field engineers to lagoons, which are located in very high-risk areas. It will also improve the performance of the hydroelectric plant by helping to reduce response times to any issues, meaning downtime will be significantly less frequent in the long run.

Wales . Europe
BAND: L Band
Real-time monitoring for RWE’S hydroelectric power generating facilities
Snowdonia is a region whose significant rainfall makes it a perfect place for harnessing water to produce electricity. As climate change increases the likelihood of extreme weather, it also increases the risk of flooding in this remote, mountainous area. In turn, flooding could create landslides and damage spillways down hillsides, as well as roads, pathways, and fields. To turn these potentially negative events into additional green electricity, RWE needs to closely monitor hydrology conditions at its hydroelectric power stations so it can best manage water levels and flow rates in its catchment areas. RWE wanted valuable, precise, up-to-date information on conditions without anyone needing to venture out. So, in 2016, it decided to employ the Internet of Things (IoT) and install automated hydrology stations. These installations would constantly monitor water levels and weather conditions, enabling the company to prevent water wastage, maximise the amount of energy it generates, and safeguard its people and the surrounding landscape and infrastructure. To gain regular insight into rainfall and water levels in such hostile and remote locations, RWE turned to specialist satellite and IoT technology-as-a-service provider Ground Control and its satellite connectivity partner. The hydrology stations are programmed to respond to changing conditions, sending data hourly if water reaches a pre-set safe level, alerting RWE to respond. They revert to sending updates every three hours when the water level drops back to safe levels. Since RWE’s first BGAN-enabled hydrology station was installed in 2016, three more have come into service. All four have proven themselves to be reliable and stable, delivering complete data sets RWE can rely on. Data gathered by the hydrology stations supports RWE to generate power most efficiently by collecting as much water as possible into leats and waterways, to then flow into the lakes and reservoirs. Once there, RWE can use this water in its ongoing power-generating operations. All this data serves to reduce water wastage by planning maintenance work or improvements to the waterway system while weather conditions are.

Brazil . Americas
BAND: L Band
Tailored Communication and Telemetry Solution for Rail Networks
In Brazil, the railway system is essential for the transport of agricultural, industrial and container cargo to serve the export, import and domestic markets. Responsible for connecting the largest production centres to the main ports in the country, Rumo transported 58 million tons in 2019. Much of this volume was transported through the main rail corridor in Brazilian agribusiness, which connects the state of Mato Grosso to the Port of Santos, largest port complex in Latin America. As most of its railways pass through remote regions of Brazil, one of the main challenges that Rumo has been looking for several years is efficient network coverage. Connectivity difficulties in certain locations prevented drivers, railway engineers and control centres from communicating in real time, as messages sent could take more than ten minutes to be delivered. Since trains could not continue their journey until they received updates from control centres, operations were subject to delays and fuel costs with unnecessary braking and starting. Cellular/satellite/LAN tailored communication and telemetry solution for rail networks that enables the accurate real-time tracking of each train on the Rumo network, as well as reliable voice and data communication between drivers, maintenance teams and the Operations Control Center (CCO). The solution ensures that Rumo has access to uninterrupted, high-quality connectivity to facilitate the transfer of telematics, voice and video data, allowing accurate real-time tracking of each train and communication between drivers, maintenance staff and regional control centres. The locomotive data is visualized in an application at the CCO, which depicts the entire railway network and the position of each vehicle, as well as its speed. Before implementing the solution, messages between drivers and control centres took an average of ten minutes to be delivered. After the implementation of the satellite-enabled solution, the team now has access to real-time communications, between the driver and the CCO. This speed of communication and reliability has brought Rumo greater visibility of its assets and infrastructure, which has resulted in significant improvements in operational efficiency. One of the objectives is to reduce costs across the rail network, with an estimated savings of millions per month as a result of optimizing the operation and taking care to avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration. Additional savings are also likely because Rumo expects to transport more goods in less time without having to invest in new locomotives and new wagon.

UK . Europe
BAND: Ka Band
Powering the UK’s emergency services with EE
The ESN network allows fire, police, and ambulance workers to benefit from a range of advanced communication. Replacing the existing Airwave network, meant to upgrade over 1,000 base stations both primary and resilient sites across the 12 UK regions starting in the Northwest of England and finishing with the Southeast. The ESN network needs to support over 300,000 users and over 35,000 vehicles have to be fitted with new in-car systems. The network needs to allow emergency services to access an increasing range of voice, data and video services (based on the 3GPP Mission Critical LTE standard) which include priority calls, enhanced security, mobile push-to-talk, VoLTE and video over LTE. Need of a “carrier grade” Cellular Backhaul solution, capable of meeting stringent security and operational controls required by the UK Government. The network needed to provide full coverage, even in rural areas, support rapid deployment, be highly resilient and reliable. Partnership with a satellite provider to provide Satellite Cellular Backhaul to over 1,000 fixed and portable base stations across the UK. High quality, secure and resilient Ka-band satellite connectivity offered the ultra-reliable network. The new satellite service helps reach more remote and rural areas of the country, whilst simultaneously boosting the resilience of the network.

Spain . Europe
BAND: Ku Band
Prevention and early detection of fires, monitoring of reforestation
The biggest reforestation project in Spain, providing the technology support to prevent fires and monitoring the growth of the new forest to certificate its capture of CO2 emissions. The technological pilot project of Motor Verde has been implemented in Las Hurdes (Extremadura, Spain). Thanks to the 15 sensors deployed throughout the entire area of action, the system obtains precise control of wind, temperature and gas conditions in an area of 1,357 ha. This information is transmitted 24/7 in real time, using LoRa technology, to three solar-powered terminals that send the signal via satellite to a platform that combines this data with the weather forecast to obtain a detailed analysis of the level of fire risk in the next seven days. The system detects it immediately, accurately defines its location and contour and makes it possible to predict where it will spread, with the consequent improvement in the safety and efficiency of the emergency divisions. The platform is completed with video surveillance and a study on the evolution of biomass using Earth observation-which monitors the process that is being carried out in reforestation, helping to regenerate the forest. Finally, two free WiFi hotspots have been installed, one next to an area of tourist interest such as Meandro el Melero and another in Caminomorisco, which is also complemented with IoT solutions of public lighting and CO2 level control to improve municipal management.

Amazon . Americas
BAND: L Band
Supporting sustainable development in the Amazon through reliable connectivity
As the extractive reserve of the lower Rio Branco Jauaperi, is only accessible via boat, the Jauaperi river is the locals’ lifeline for food and equipment supplies. It also connects communities by serving as their highway. For some, such as the river-dweller community of Xixuau, journeys to the nearest city, Novo Airão (200km away), take more than a day of travel to reach. With technical breakdowns and extreme weather conditions being prominent in the region – and with boats venturing here at risk of pirate attack – reliable connectivity is essential for those travelling this remote route. Being off grid also creates difficulties for local nurses wanting to stay in contact with hospitals or emergency services while on the river. Outreach workers and researchers studying the environment here also need to stay in touch to do their work accurately and safely. With satellite phones, the riverboat travellers could communicate in real-time with communities along the Jauaperi river. Reliable connectivity with 99.9% uptime and is engineered to withstand the most extreme weather conditions from -20°C to +55°C – as well as being dust, splash, and shock-resistant. As part of the initial project, the Inmarsat satellite phones were used by students from the University of Southampton, the Federal University of Amazonas, and the Institute of Amazon Research (IPAM) during a drone development project in the region. The phones ensured the safety and security of students and workers against technical breakdown, extreme weather and piracy. Throughout the pandemic, the satellite phones were instrumental in supporting facilitating the delivery of food essentials and medical aid for the communities. Access to highly dependable connectivity coverage.

Cameroon . Africa
BAND: C Band
Empowering Women to run Local Businesses
Satellite operators are frequently involved in training local communities in the installation and operation of satellite terminals. One such program is ELEVATE, a two-day course designed to train local women and young people to become satellite installers while, at the same time, improve quality satellite TV installations in Africa. The Certificate awarded after the course opens up job opportunities and provides the skillset required to empower women to become financially independent. On Day 1 the course introduces practical health and safety concerns, how to manage customer care and how to interact with a customer, as well as the basics about satellite TV and installation - for example how the LNB works, and how a satellite transmits a signal. Day 2 involves a marketing workshop, which shows students how to build a business plan and how to run their business successfully. Finally, the students do a practical exercise where they have to install a DTH antenna, connect it to a set-top-box, obtain a signal from the satellite, interact with a customer, and explain to them how to set-up the set-top-box. At the end of the training, trainees receive Satfinders, basic tool kits, marketing tools (business card templates, brochure templates, etc.) and a certificate so that they have sufficient knowledge - both technical and business - to run their own business. There is also a “Train the Trainer” programme, where installers are taught to become a trainer themselves - so they learn how to stand in a room full of students and transmit that knowledge to others. To date, the program has resulted in more than 8,000 installers across 15 countries being trained, including Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania.